
History Of Internet On The World

Better Essays

Josh Margolis
November 2, 2015
History of Internet

Before the the Internet was created, linking the world, human beings were already thinking with a connected mind. While messages obviously were unable to be transferred electronically, humans invented different ways to trade information and news with other people. Firstly was the post. In order to send a friend a message, a letter would have had to been written and mailed. Mailing messages was a long process, often taking days to get one message to another person. This method (still used today) was not the most convenient because there is no urgency or speed in mailing a letter. Luckily in the mid 1800’s the telegraph was invented. Sent for the first time in 1838, the telegraph was the first instance of sending a message (4). A telegraph is defined “as the transmission of textual or symbolic messages without the physical exchange of an object. This is the first instance of a message being sent in a “virtual” sense (2). While messages could be delivered through the mail within a matter of days, a telegraph could be transmitted live. At the time this was quite a feat. When studying the creation of the internet, it is important to remember that not one single man directly created the web that we know today. Rather, many brilliant minds, over time, added and refined the experience for the greater good. Originally, the earliest version of the internet was constructed as a tool for US warfare. The United States

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