
History: The Holocaust a Human Error Essay

Decent Essays

History class in itself has a specific purpose which seems to be frequently forgotten. We learn about violent and horrible events in our past, as well as life- changing and positively impacting ones. From the negative events, we learn what went wrong and how to prevent similar tragedies from happening. From the positive, we gather knowledge and comprehension of the basis of our modern society. We are a self- repairing race, analyzing every flaw and figuring out what caused it. It's an ancient practice, trial and error is human nature.

However, one of these "errors" hold a specific purpose in history classes. Similar, yet different. The Holocaust was so intesely horrific, so widespread, and such a strong point in history. Learning about it …show more content…

He made laws, created a metaphorical fence around his territory so that the Jewish could not leave. He was the first to use such an approach- and no one knew what was happening. If only someone had known to stop him, recognized what he was doing, the "Holocaust" may not have come to be.

Sadly, we have not the ability to change the past. THe Holocaust did come eventually, before anyone caught Hitler. We learn how easily an antire continent can be changed. We must be taught how the military can be utilized in evil ways, so that the country itself becomes nothing more than said military. Millions of innocent people were killed. The incident was so unique and horrific in nature that a word was created: "genocide". The term means "the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group." Words like this are not solely taught to students to add to their vocabulary. These terms are used as tools. They are utilized in the recognition of similar crimes, so that we have a way to classify issues and react in the proper way. During the Holocaust, false stereotypes were the basis that death was taken upon. some of the platforms used were purely false, yet people still believed. Why? Simply because of two reasons. One being that Hitler, according to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, was "a passionate and convincing speechgiver". Apart from this, people did not know. The country had no idea how

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