
Hog Waste In North Carolina

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Hog farms are plentiful in North Carolina, but the 40 million gallons of untreated hog waste created everyday creates more than just a foul smell. Hog waste creates huge environmental, health, and economic issues, such as excessive nitrates in groundwater, the disruption of the thyroid, and the decrease of land value. Due to the number of hogs and how inefficiently the waste is being disposed of, this is becoming an increasing problem in North Carolina. The threat to the environment, our health, and the economy could be significantly reduced by using cleaner and more efficient ways to dispose of the waste, such as anaerobic digesters. The problem with the hog farms is the inefficient disposal of the waste. There are 10 million hogs in North …show more content…

The hogs are kept in small cages for all of their lives and are fed a variety of antibiotics, hormones, and chemicals. The farmers do this to make the hogs grow bigger quicker, allowing them to make a bigger profit. But it causes the hogs to produce more waste. Because of the number of hogs and the amount of waste they produce, farmers use inexpensive ways to get rid of the waste. The waste is rinsed from the pens, and is put in open air lagoons, some as big as football fields. The bacteria in the waste causes it to turn pink. Because the lagoons are open air, they are prone to flooding with heavy rain. In 1999, Hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina and caused at least 5 lagoons to burst and over 47 were completely flooded. All of the waste from the lagoons flooded local water systems, went around homes, and schools. Besides the flooding, the lagoons cause air pollution, …show more content…

The waste contains large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous, the primary ingredients in fertilizer for plants. This causes the plants to grow faster, so when the waste gets into waterways it can cause algae blooms. The algae can block out the sunlight from other organisms in the water. Algae grows very quickly and dies very quickly. The decomposing algae uses the dissolved oxygen in the water which is essential to the lives of the organisms in the water. It causes a dead zone, an area where it is difficult for organisms to live there. The excessive nitrates in the waste can cause more than environmental problems, it can also be detrimental to our health. The nitrates can get into the groundwater and the surface water. Excessive nitrate exposer can cause blue baby syndrome, the disruption of the thyroid, and bladder cancer. Communities near the hog farms can also suffer from respiratory problems, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. Humans can acquire more than 40 different types of diseases from the hog waste. Experts believe that the swine flu outbreak of 2009-2010 was caused by storing it in giant lagoons. Along with environmental and health issues, hog waste creates economic problems. Land value goes down in the communities near the farms due to the health risks and the foul smell. Property tax is based on land value, so when the land value is low, the local

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