
Holden Caulfield Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Holden Caulfield is a delinquent, a misfit, and a dropout, but he is a unique man with a very alienated relationship with society. The Catcher in the Rye is a book written by J.D. Salinger that describes the story of Holden Caulfield. The story begins when Holden is kicked out of Pencey Prep School. Throughout the remainder of the book, Salinger describes Holden’s unusual relationship with the rest of society and its outcome. Through most of the novel, Holden is depicted as a person who is alienated from society for many reasons, such as his belief that he is better than everyone, that everyone else is phony and fake, and that he does not belong with normal society. At the onset of the story while Holden is attending Pencey Prep, he believes he is better than everyone and that he is unique. Holden alienates himself because he thinks he is above the rest of society, while in reality, he is antisocial, and he does not interact well with other people. “It was the saturday of the football game. [...] I was standing way the hell up on top of Thomsen Hill. You could see the whole field from there, and you could see the two teams.” (1). While the rest of the school is together watching the football game Holden is isolated from society and he is judging everyone else. Holden's alienation causes most of his pain and sorrow in life, but he hides his own emotions from the rest of society, and this prevents him from connecting with others. A prime example of this is when Holden

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