
Is Holden Caulfield Ignorant

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Adolescence, this is a time where you figure out who you truly are. This soul searching leads to self realization. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger, has trouble accepting himself. Throughout his days he would put on a cap just to be someone else. It is his get away place, a place of isolation. A way for him to seclude from the world and become someone he isn’t. This is relatable to numerous teens. Though Holden could be described using numerous adjectives, Holden's character can be perfectly described as ignorant, a liar, and a slacker. He is ignorant because he does not learn from his mistakes. He is a compulsive liar. Finally, he is a slacker because he avoids work. Holden is just like countless people out there who do not apply themselves. You see, Holden could be smart. He could be successful. He just doesn’t have the motivation or ambition to do so. Being ignorant means to lack knowledge or awareness; uneducated or unsophisticated. Holden is known to be this way because he gets himself into the most severe situations. However, once he is out of them, he will have the same issue later on. This is because Holden is not astute. He repeats those mistakes because he does not learn from them. This makes him ignorant. An example of a situation is when he gets in a fist fight with Stradlater. “I tried to sock him, with all my might, right smack in the toothbrush, so it would split his goddam throat open,” (Salinger, pg 43). From this we know that

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