
Holden Caulfield In The Catcher In The Rye

Decent Essays

I consider Holden Caulfield to be a morally ambiguous character. The Catcher in the Rye is truly a story about Holden’s views and opinions of himself and the world. This makes his morals a main topic of the book. He raises many questions from readers, and his strange actions aren’t completely explained. The questioning of Holden Caulfield’s morals is what makes The Catcher in the Rye a great book.
Holden’s moral ambiguity is shown through many of his thoughts and actions throughout the book. Holden is pessimistic and judgemental of others, despite his own negative actions. Many of Holden’s actions contrast with other actions. While he is angered by Stradlater’s poor treatment of women, he solicits a prostitute. He also uses inappropriate language

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