
Holden Caulfield Research Papers

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Holden Caulfield was having a horrible time throughout this entire book except for the end when he is with his sister at the park. Even though this book is only a story over three days, Holden makes it feel like it is longer than that just by all the different things going on around him at that time. The things like Holden getting kicked out and him eventually ending up in therapy at the end of the book all happened in three days. Holden has the right to have anger throughout this book because of all the horrible things happening to him. This book would not be a good memoir for Holden because it is about the three worst days of his life and it didn’t show us what Holden’s life outside of these three days is actually like. Within these three days that the book takes place, many things happen to Holden. For starters, he is already getting kicked out of his current school. Holden seems to hate this school. He hates the people, the classes, and he hates how everybody is so phony. Holden continues to tell us that all adults are phony through this book. He can’t stand that all the adults are trying to imitate someone they aren’t and they continue to do awful …show more content…

Many things that were huge in Holden’s life were missed and these things made Holden make the decisions he did in the book. Holden briefly brings up his dead brother and this makes Holden make huge decisions in the present. Holden tells us near the end of the book that the only thing that he really liked was Allie. This tells us that his brother meant a lot to him and his passing affected Holden a lot. Since Allie meant a lot to Holden and this book does not bring him up until halfway through the book, this book would not make a good memoir for Holden because it should talk about the main events in Holden’s life and this book does not do a good job of making that clear until the ending of the

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