
Hollywood Body Image

Decent Essays

In the minds of most girls, their body image is how people perceive them. They see themselves as inadequate if they do not meet up to society’s standards. However, in reality, we are not defined by what we look like on the outside. On the contrary, it is the image that Hollywood portrays that leads them to believe this. For the truth is we should live a healthy life by eating healthy and exercising daily. This is essential for our health not just because we are afraid of how others will look at us. In this essay, then, researching Hollywood’s image will show how it has a negative impact on the self-esteem and body image of young girls. As a teenager, my daughter suffered from a low self-esteem due to the belief that she had an imperfect body …show more content…

Although she faces criticism from the media, Lawrence still tries to promote healthy bodies and positive body image for young girls. (“Hollywood, Sexism,” 2013). In May 2012, a review in the New York Times stated “She was too womanly to play the part of Katniss” she responded by saying, “This is hilarious. First, people say how so many actresses in Hollywood look anorexic, and now they are criticizing me for looking normal.” (“Hollywood, Sexism,” 2013). Then in August 2012, she told Ella Magazine, “In Hollywood, I’m obese.” She also said, “I eat like a caveman; I’ll be the only actress who doesn’t have anorexia …I’m never going to starve myself for a part … I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner”. (“Hollywood, Sexism,” 2013). Lawrence also spoke with BBC Newsnight, about the portrayal of Katniss in the movie saying: “It’s called ‘The HUNGER Games.' She is from District 12; she is obviously underfed. She would be incredibly thin. However, I kept saying...we have the ability to control this image that young girls are going to be seeing [in The Hunger Games]… girls see enough of this body that we can’t imitate, that we will never be able to obtain. This unrealistic expectation. This is going to be their hero, we have control over that. It’s an amazing opportunity to rid ourselves of that in this

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