
Holy Trinity And Genesis

Decent Essays

So, I chose to write my essay on the book or Genesis, which is also known as the beginning or origin of humanity according to the Bible. What interested me most about this book was the fact we see God in several different forms or images. Here He's seen as The Holy Trinity for the first time, but He's not limited in that aspect, which we gather from further reading depicting him as transcendent, imitate, and the one true salvation from the world of sin we created.
Genesis introduces us to the true nature of God, that being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or simply put The Holy Trinity. Some may wonder how can God be three different entities, but this isn't the case and the simple answer would be because He's not limited in being like humans. But to further elaborate the Book tell us that "The Holy Trinity is one God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy …show more content…

This is also where we were introduced to the more systematic or transcendent God. Before I go any further I'd like to make clear that some scholars believe in the Documentary Hypothesis: the theory that the Torah was written by a number of sources (lecture 2). But from careful reading and lecture reviews, you get a sense that Moses the writer of this section of the Bible aimed to present God as both transcendent and intimate in nature. The first creation narrative is seen as systematic in regard to the time frame in which he created, but also within this narrative He is depicted as transcendent or going beyond. Within the first narrative, He is very hands off and superior or mystical in a sense. I say this and came to this conclusion as I read passages like then God said "Let there be light", and there was light", "Let there be firmament in the midst of the water and let it divide the water from the water (Genesis 1:3-7)." All things within the first narrative are created through spoken word and truly divine

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