
Homework Student Success

Decent Essays

Homework is given frequently in many of the core classes in order to help students practice and retain the information that is taught. It is typically divided throughout a ‘chapter.’ The concept of homework in itself is excellent, however, there needs to be a clear boundary acquired in how much is too much. Furthermore, students are often given daily homework assignments from at least one class, some of which may not be as extensive as others. Sometimes, students truly comprehend the classroom material beforehand and simply do not need the extra practice, yet are still forced to do it for the ‘grade.’ On the contrary, there are those who feel as if homework should continue to be assigned at the current rate, if not an even greater amount in order to increase the challenge set upon the students. However, this idea presents conflict and many students disapprove on account of already feeling pressured enough with the current portion of work assigned. Moreover, homework should be assigned at a rate of necessity rather than that of ‘busy work.’ According to CNN, the common standard set forth by the National Education Association and the National Parent-Teacher Association proposed what is called the “10-Minute Rule.” The rule’s system operates via a simple, yet partially irrelevant method. Consequently, students are recommended to have ten …show more content…

One statistic states that there was little correlation between the two in elementary-level students. The same study also explained that a positive correlation formed within the years of mid-level students, while dropping off again for high-level students at a rate of about two hours worth of homework. This goes to show that there some relevance in conjunction with increased levels of homework, but not nearly as drastic as it is made out to be from many educational

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