
Hospice Care for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients

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For decades each field of medicine and the treatment of patients have been singled out and looked at as an independent specialty. This is not only the case in the United States but also in the United Kingdom. Recently different fields have begun to explore the possibilities that they are more similar to one another than different, and that Hospice Care is more than care for the terminally-ill cancer patients. In an article drafted by Wayne McCormick, “a member of the American Geriatrics Society, he identified that Geriatrics along with Hospice and Palliative Medicine has many common issues” (2012). Both subspecialties see the patient and their loved ones as a unit requiring thoughtful, integrated care, rather than seeing the patient as a cluster of organ systems and conditions (McCormick, 2012). Then in 2009 the American Geriatrics Society, “the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine , and the John A. Hartford Foundation decided to get together and look for thoughts and ideas that could benefit all parties” (McCormick, 2012). Then in 2009 the Hartford Summit was held in New York City with more than twenty leading medical professionals gathered together to identify areas of similarities and differences between each subspecialty (McCormick, 2012).
Additional studies done in the United Kingdom researched similar issues on how Hospice and Palliative Care could expand into other areas of care. In a major article reporting on this research, Nicola

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