
How Advertisements Are Effective Or Not Towards The Audience

Decent Essays

The FDA has Real Cost campaign advertisements that are used through a variety of different media vehicles such as “TV, radio, print, digital, and out of home states.” (FDA 2016) These advertisements are displayed through every media possible and it would be hard not to encounter it in form for the few years it has been present for the public to see. Throughout my essay, I will discuss how these advertisements are used and whether they are effective or not towards the audience in preventing smoking. The most effective ways these Real Cost advertisements are used is by showing pictures in magazines or on billboards in places such as train stations of tobacco’s effects on your health. These advertisements also air different videos of adolescents attempting to buy cigarettes and in each video, they do something out of the ordinary such as pulling out their teeth or tearing a piece of skin off their face. These advertisements are to inform the adolescents that smoking tobacco can cause various health problems such as gum disease and premature aging. I have seen this campaign used most on TV advertisements, especially when popular TV shows air at night and I feel it’s the most effective form of media used for FDA’s Real Cost advertisements. According to Belch (2012), “the interaction of sight and sound offers tremendous creative flexibility and makes possible dramatic, lifelike representations of products and services. TV commercials can be used to convey a mood or image for a

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