
How Apple Changed The Technology Industry

Decent Essays

Many companies are actively advancing technology as we know it. One of the main contributors to the technological era is Apple. Apple has made positive influences in the technology industry. From introducing the PowerBook, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, Apple has changed the technology industry. Not only has it changed the industry, but Apple has also influenced other companies too. Some companies start with a small loan of a million dollars; Apple did not. They started in a garage with a few friends and an idea. It was 1976 in a small garage in Los Altos, California that the Apple company got its start. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak never imagined running a tech company. If one of them wanted to, it would never happen. If they never met, it wouldn't have happened. Only together, could they create the technology empire known as Apple. While not having much to start with, they did have each other and it was enough to make it work (Blumenthal, 21). Steve Wozniak is often forgotten when thought about the origins of the company, but he played the biggest part. Wozniak was a …show more content…

Like the iPod and the iPhone, the iPad has changed since the first model has been released in 2010. The best way to describe an iPad is to use the term "giant iPod". It was designed similar, but had a much bigger screen at 9.7 inches. While it didn't get cell reception like the iPhone, it did connect to wifi and Bluetooth. It was made to be an easier way to be productive on the go then a laptop was. It also implemented the App Store, which was introduced on the iPod and iPhone. Since the start the iPad has changed a little bit each time a new one has been released. The current iPads have the ability to get cellular reception and even come in different sizes. Like in the iPad, many consumers have seen how Apple keeps implementing the latest technology into their products ("Timeline of ..."

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