
How DNA Helps to Solve Crimes Essay

Decent Essays

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been used to analyze and prove innocence or guilt of suspects of crimes with great accuracy. DNA is part of everyday life. It is the heredity material in humans and almost all other organisms. While being part of an investigation. DNA has helped to solve crimes. There is a couple ways that DNA left behind can be tested to solve a crime. Either if the suspect has been caught and or had his or her DNA tested, or if he or she has left behind any biological evidence. Which then needs to be tested to see if it matches the DNA found in the crime scene to his or hers DNA. The result to this comparison may help establish if the suspect committed the crime. Although the chemical structure in everyone’s DNA is the …show more content…

This process is called DNA finger printing. Therefore, DNA is one of the most common things a forensic technician looks for. Forensic technicians investigate crimes. There job is to look for physical evidence that will be collected and later analyzed. While working on an investigation the forensic technician may seem to be looking for a specific sample. It may be a blood sample or even a single drop of saliva. In some cases, clues may lead to a single fingerprint left behind to solving a crime. The suspect assuming he or she has wiped away all traces that would lead them to the crime scene. Never realizing what the suspect might have left behind. This may have seemed irrelevant to the forensic technician. Who is taking part in searching the crime scene. DNA left behind such as a strand of hair leads to a suspect. To the result it may be found in the carpet, or in any other type of clothing. Even though DNA evidence is generally linked to an offenders profile through DNA database. In the late 1980’s the federal government laid a ground work for the system of state, local and national DNA databases for the storage and exchange of the DNA profiles. This system was named the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Maintaining DNA profiles set of databases that can be shared to the law enforcements all across the country. The CODIS can compare crime scene evidence that has been stored to a database of DNA profiles obtaining previous offenders. This

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