
How Developmental Psychology Changed My Life

Decent Essays

At some point in your life, did you ever wonder how you became the person you are today? What factors might have had an influence in your life to how you behave in society? Developmental Psychology helped me figure out how events in my life molded me into the young adult I am today and helped discover the themes that affected my life. In this paper, I will be focusing on divorce, my personality, premature births, and how I struggled in my academics. I will be explaining this journey throughout these four themes: family influences, personality development, physical development, and cognitive development. Family influence is any family member in your lifetime that has made an important and long-lasting impression on your development. Growing …show more content…

Applying these four themes- family influences, physical development, cognitive development, and personality development- throughout my lifespan, it has shown me that I have become a stronger individual. Even though, my family is not perfect I have learned the right and wrong this to do if I ever decide to get married and raise a family of my own. Being a "miracle" baby, writing this paper opened my eyes as to how close I was from not existing today, which has shown me to not take like for granted and to live in the present. Furthermore, having an education program like AVID helped me completely turn my life around. It has helped me to push myself into becoming a better individual and to strive to achieve any goals and dreams that I decide to pursue. To continue, my personality I believe that school has helped me in dealing with my parents divorce but, I think that during that time in my life I learned to put a barrier up around certain people at times. I do not think this is a healthy thing for me to keep doing and I am going to make changes in my life to help correct that. Finally, this was my journey into my childhood and how I discovered things about me that helped shape the way I am

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