
How Did George Patton's Military Billiance Affect The Outcome Of World War II?

Decent Essays

How did George Patton’s military brilliance affect the outcome of World War II? The 1940's were a very tumultuous time for the United States. The United States entered into World War II and it seemed like there was no end in sight. When George Patton intervened, everything changed. A good leader is perseverant, confident, analytical and trustworthy. George Patton was undoubtedly a leader because as a General, he led the United States Army to many victories; Patton was confident in everything he did and because of this confidence he led the U.S. Third Army to liberating Western Europe from Nazi control on June 6, 1944, known as D-Day.
George Patton was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California to George Smith Patton and Ruth Wilson. His mother was a wealthy businessperson who made her wealth in the winery business. His father was a district attorney of Los Angeles, California. He grew up in a ranch amid wealth and power. His family had a long history in the military. His paternal ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War general and his grandfather was a colonel for the Confederates. One was killed at Cedar Creek. His maternal grandfather was mayor of Los Angeles. George Patton loved to hunt, fish, and ride as a child. He did not go to school until he was twelve years old; however, he was tutored at home. He was enrolled at a private school, Pasadena’s elite Classic School for Boys because he had dyslexia. He loved to tell military adventure stories and as a

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