
How Did Henry Clay Improve The American System

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Henry Clay was born April 12, 1777 in Hanover County, Virginia. He was a wealthy man and was a business lawyer. He is known as the Great Compromiser. Henry Clay was an important figure during the 1800s. He was vice president during the time that John Quincy Adams was president. He helped solve many conflicts that were about to turn into a civil war. John Quincy Adams cared about America in many ways and during the time he was alive he helped improve the American system. The American System was a plan to strengthen and unify the nation. The American system was plan by Henry Clay and supported by the Whig party and some politicians like Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and John Quincy Adams. The American system was a document like the federalism. They wanted a stronger federal government, higher tariff, public land prices, stronger bank system, and …show more content…

These two systems were created to import goods, supplies, and resource from one state to another. These were plans to improve and increase the economy of America. They wanted this plans to increase the revenue of the federal government. The south and north opposed to these laws because they did not like the idea of higher tariffs. Tariff means the taxes on foreign imported goods. They established higher tariffs since the south and north had factories and manufacture cotton. The south was very unhappy. The products they imported from Europe were more expensive. The north happy because they were making money from the tariff. The south felt like the north and congress cared so little about them. They did not care if south was unhappy and could care less if it was having a negative impact in the economy. However, Henry Clay argued that they should support it because the south, north, and west trade between them. They regardless have to pay the other counties more taxes when exporting products. This effect was causing a

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