
How Did Mary Reibey Affect Australia

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Mary Reibey, born Mary Haydock lived a unique lifestyle which was severely impacted by her convict experience. At 13 years of age Mary committed a crime of horse theft and was sentenced to seven years transportation. If Mary didn’t commit this crime she would not have lived the life that she did and would not be a significant figure in history today. Even though Mary was marginalised by her community, her marriage, business achievements and charity work were established through and from her transportation to Australia. In her lifetime Mary attained many achievements but reached far and wide to accomplish them.

In the 1800’s convicts and emancipists were shunned by the community because they were seen as filthy, treacherous and repulsive people. Because Mary was a convict her family as well as herself were belittled by society and lived a lonely lifestyle compared to many other families. Even though Mary was excluded from the society she was left with a great deal of free time as the …show more content…

Mary began to focus on social issues after she had concurred the business world. In 1825 Mary was given the opportunity to be one of the Governors at a free Grammar school and successfully filled the role. Mary was associated with various charitable organizations and rapidly she became famous for her involvement in the religion and education departments.

In conclusion Mary Reibey was the most successful person in her Sydney colony and was an inspiration for young business people today. Mary came into Australia as horse thief and left the world as a leading entrepreneur. Mary Reibey’s convict lifestyle impacted her life in various ways including her marriage and most importantly her business success, if Mary didn’t steal that horse when she was younger her accomplishments wouldn’t be relevant in today’s society. Mary Reibey made history in Australia and proved that a woman can do a man’s

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