
How Did Pearl Harbor Affect World War II?

Decent Essays

How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect World War II ?

On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. On this horrific day over 2,400 Americans were killed by the bombs that the Japanese had dropped. A month preliminary to the attack, Japan sent a plenipotentiary to Washington to arrange the nation’s expansions in Asia. Although if the United States didn’t accept this aggression, Japan was ready to launch a surprise attack. President Roosevelt launched bombs to the Philippines between the Japanese and Dutch oil fields, before they had sent the plenipotentiary. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was over seven hours long, they were 353 Japanese fighter planes, torpedo planes launched bomb. They were a bombing blitz that destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, had sunken 4 U.S. Navy battleships, and killed more than 2400 Americans with an additional 1,100 injured. According to the actions of the government, they weren’t very happy with Japan. Although the government did everything they could, some things worked but, very few did. Many of the Americans were killed and many of the soldiers had families and were very young. The government decided to declare the “Marshall Law” admittedly after the sneak attack. Even Though the Japanese weren't there anymore, they didn't know if they were coming back so they had a complete

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