
How Did The Holocaust Kill The Disabled

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The Nazi government identified many groups to persecute. The most well known is the Jewish people. However, the Nazis did not stop there. Another group victimized by Hitler was the disabled.
The Nazi government found many methods to persecute the disabled, including involuntary sterilization. Hitler claimed that disabled Germans cost the government and that they were incapable of helping the motherland. The Nazi regime did everything they could to rid Germany of the disabled; they created unfair laws, medical exams, and sent the disabled to special facilities.(FINAL SOLUTIONS: MURDEROUS RACIAL HYGIENE, 1939–1945.) When the Nazis signed the sterilization law on July 14, 1933, this changed the whole way of life for the disabled. This resulted in the T4 …show more content…

Holocaust historian Dr. Michael Berenbaum stated, “The uniqueness of the Jewish experience can best be documented by comparing it with the Nazi treatment of other persecuted populations.” The disabled experience was so different yet also the same, which made them unique. The treatment of the Jews and the disabled were the same in that both groups were persecuted, killed and sent to camps because the Nazis did not like them. But they were different in the ways they were killed and the reasons for their murder. The disabled were killed by gas while the Jews were killed in the crematoria and the disabled were killed because they were costing the government while the Jews were killed because of their religion. These are the reasons their experience were so much alike but different in other ways. What we need to remember is the Holocaust is not just a historical event to study. It is a lesson to be learned so that we do not ever have something happen like this again. There are those that believe that our current society is acting like Nazi Germany in some ways. We must stop so that we do not repeat

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