
How Did The Us Gain Their Freedom Under The Articles Of Confederation Dbq

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After the American colonies won their freedom from Great Britain needed to create a new government. The Articles of Confederation were developed, bestowing America with its first official government. The Articles were composed of many restrictions creating an inadequate body of government. One of the main reasons the articles didn't work was from the lack of a strong central government the states received too much liberty and freedom, and on the other hand congress was weak and restricted. The government did not have enough power to govern all the states efficiently under the articles of confederation, it couldn't tax or regulate trade . From the time period when the Articles were constructed in 1781, to when they were discarded in 1789, the …show more content…

According to Document E, all of the states decided to claim land as their own, but had no regard for other state lines, and boundaries overlapped. All of the states wanted more land than they had. This caused many disputes over land between the states. Once again the government was not able to much to settle these problems. Under the Articles of Confederation the United States central government was very weak. Congress and the Legislative Branch were the only powers of government. Congress did not have the power to actually unify the nation and create compromises, they had to ask for the states to create a settlement over the land boundaries. This did not do much, and the states did not give up these …show more content…

At this time, 1786, the government was weak and non-productive. Jay felt as though there would be a revolution if the States continued down this path. Because of the limitations of the United States government, the states themselves were basically governing themselves, Congress could not tax or regulate trade with the states. If any disputes broke out the states would have to hand them on their own, with no proper laws in each state. This could have lead to larger problems and maybe even a revolution. During 1788, Rawlin Lowndes gave a speech to the South Carolina House of Representatives. This speech was composed of the idea to create a new confederation or to just improve the old one. The Articles of Confederation did not give the power that was needed to have a strong centralized government. There were a large amount of people who agreed that instead of trying to improve on the old Confederation, a new one should be made up (Document

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