
How Did Thomas Cole View The Wild Natural Landscape

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In the mid-19th century, American continuing expanded their productive lands during the American Industrial Revolution, some people believe that nature is a gift of god to mankind, therefore they should protected more beautiful American landscape. Thomas Cole was inspired by this idea in American society, he study American landscape and sing the beauty of nature by let the wild natural landscape to become the protagonist of the painting. Thus he became the leader of the American realistic landscape painting and “Hudson River School ". Cole’s painting the “View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm --the Oxbow” c. 1836 depicts the scenery of overlooks at Mount Holyoke to view the U-shaped bend Connecticut River …show more content…

Analogue color is a color harmony that next to each other on the color wheel. The titled trees and forest in the foreground move to the cultivated field in the mid-ground thought the analogue hues of shade green, green, green-yellow, and saturated yellow in green. Meanwhile, the thunderstorms on the left move to the clear sunny sky on the right in the background thought the change of value from dark to white with light blue. Cole used the combination of yellow, green and blue crosses from cool to warm on the color wheel well decorate the graduate change of the objects from near to further. The colors in depth express the shade of dark and light help viewers understand the movement of object in three-dimension space. Especially, the dark black thunderstorm and contrast the tint white clear sky, the shade green forest contrast the saturated yellow-green field, in which the use of the contrast of light and dark, warm and cool in the images symbolize the ominous feeling in the nature God sending a thunderstorm warning or punishes Americans in the blasted trees, but also metaphor the brightness future of

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