
How Did Thomas Paine Contribute To Independence

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Thomas Paine had one of the most tremendous impacts during the Revolution because he helped advocate American Independence. His biggest action during the revolution was creating the pamphlet “Common Sense” to help explain why the colonies needed their independence from Britain.
Thomas Paine was born into a Quaker family January 29, 1737. He was born in Thetford, England and attended school until the age thirteen at which he was forced to leave England and become an apprentice. For the next twenty four years he did various types of jobs and spent all his extra time and money on books, lectures, and scientific apparatus (Alison). Thomas Paine’s interest in the colonists fight for independence began at age thirty seven. In october 1774 …show more content…

He thought that people should know about the way Britain is treating the colonies and that people must fight against the unfair ways of British Parliament. Thomas Paine saw that colonies had every right to revolt against the government. He knew the taxes being imposed on colonies were wrong and that the fact colonies did not get the right of representation in the Parliament was unfair. There was no need for the colonies to stay dependent on England. So on January 10, 1776 Paine formulated his ideas on american independence in his pamphlet known as “Common Sense” …show more content…

He said that we all need to treat each other equally. All men were born equal and we need to treat each other that way. Paine also stated that we need a more stable congress. The colonies should be divided into districts. A proper number of delegates from each district would go to Congress. The amount of delegates from each colony should be thirty, and the total number of delegates should be three hundred ninety. A president would be elected annually and each colony would be put into a lottery. The president would be elected, by the whole congress. Electing a president or passing a law would require three-fifths of the congress (Thomas

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