
How Do Customer Relationships Give Companies A Competitive Edge? Essay

Decent Essays

Question 1: How do customer relationships give companies a competitive edge?
Through sustaining the customer relationships, leaders of the company have realized that “becoming nearer to the consumer” is vital for the progression.
Together consumers and buyers of the trade have extra options through authorization from mobile and online channels that create more options to purchase, get and give suggestions, and converse back with the companies.
Currently consumers freely turn away from any well accepted company if it does not fulfill their necessities. Through the consumer associations, companies get the response regarding their services and products from the consumers. From this response, companies get the difficulties or the concerns of the consumers as regards to their product such as quality concerns, difficulty to usage, and etc.
From the response of the consumers, companies make enhancements in their products as per the necessities of the consumers. From the approach or the associations with the consumers, companies get a chance to gratify their consumers and build up a competitive edge. This mechanism facilitates companies to stay with and goes ahead from their competition. Therefore, consumer relationships help the companies to make a competitive edge. (How to build a customer-centered organization to gain competitive advantage)
Question 2: Describe the methods for marketing planning, including business portfolio analysis, the Boston Consulting Group market

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