
How Do House Of Cards Because Caused The Crash?

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"Let 's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters." — Internal Email, Wall Street, 12/15/06
I chose to do House of Cards because I felt like it gave me, albeit a little dramatically, a nice overview of everything that happened in 2008. Not being old enough to remember what happened, I decided that instead od focusing on a more micro topic, I would choose one that gave me a broad view to educate myself more on everything that caused the crash, and how we can, at least try, to prevent it in the future.

How our economy collapsed

Subprime Loans
The dot-com bubble in 2000 was the start to the, still current, historically low interest rates – all thanks to the Federal Reserve. Since interest rates were so low, many Americans decided that now was the time to get the “American Dream” and buy houses, since the values were going up and mortgage and insurance rates were so low. By serially refinancing, people were quite literally treating their homes as a money bank, and not thinking twice of the equity they were loosing in the process, because they thought that the value would only go up, while their mortgages would decrease, and were blinded by the so called “American Dream”.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, started in 1992, was a company started to subsidize LMI housing without appropriating any funds. In 1997, an urban report claimed that local lenders seemed more than happy to serve creditworthy low, moderate income, and

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