
How Does Catcher In The Rye Define Happiness

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In my definition of happiness, happiness is when someone who experiences frequent positive emotions. These emotions can all be illustrated with joy, interest, and pride. An unhappy person often portrayed negative emotions, such as anger and sadness. While reading Catcher in the Rye opened my eyes. It did because I then realized that having lots of money doesn't always make you happy. Remembering when Holden was expelled from private school, and living on the streets wishing he had his parents their with him. The way happiness is portrayed in society is that it is earned when you are successful. Being successful doesn't always mean having the most money you can, like when Holden's parents only worked and never payed attention to him. That doesn't make anyone happy, to become happy you need to love your loved ones, laugh with them, and help when they get knocked down. Not just focus on the money. Happiness is also illustrated by making the little things into meaningful things. In the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Mcmurphy makes the most of being in the hospital. That has made me recognize that my life isn't that bad, when I learn how to make the little things matter in life, it is very hard not to have …show more content…

Through the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, nobody ever would believe that a homeless single dad, living in a different place every night, would ever become a stockbroker. However Chris’s hard work and determination pushed him to fight past the long nights and bad days. I now comprehend that difficulties of being happy. I will now no longer dread to wake up early and lift for football or fight doing my homework, I will just man up and do it. The fact is that taking your problems head on, makes it ten times easier to get past. Then when it is time for me to succeed, I be able to look back at all my struggles on my pathway to

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