
How Does Conrad Create Sympathy For African People During That Time

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ward African people during that time. Reading the story you can see where is he coming from, because the choice of words and description that
Conrad used some part of the story is utterly offensive to an African, or black paper to hear. An example of that would be when he saw the first black man in Congo, his specific words were “, "A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days. Of the nigger I used to dream for years afterwards”, another valid example of racism would be him describing klutz concubine "She was savage and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent…She stood looking at us without a stir and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable …show more content…

Secondly we need to point out even if the book showed some parts of racism, but at the some time parts of the book we cannot deny that Conrad showed serious act of humanism, and major sympathy towards the African people at that time. Examples are when the helmsman died, Marlow traumatized by it and
Fatma Mohammad Abdulla HSS252- 501
Heart of Darkness he mentioned afterwards that it was an experience that he will never forgot, and we can see his sympathy when he decided to let the helmsman body sink into the sea rather than let the other people ate the helmsman. Another example that we can sense that Conrad was not racist, is that he mentioned that he always dreamt of visiting other places than his usual living, and Africa was one of them, and this him talking about it “It was 1868, when nine years old…while looking at a map of
Africa of the time and putting my finger on the blank space representing the unsolved mystery of that continent, I said to myself…’When I grow up I shall go there.’” (Conrad Pg 242).
In conclusion, I don’t think that the debate, or the argue over this story will end soon, since from the start the topic itself one of the most controversial

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