
How Does Elijah Change In Three Day Road

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In the text Three Day Road, Joseph Boyden develops the idea of the characters restoring their honor and certainty after traumatic events. Showing how humans are capable of flaws without fault, as they move deeper into the darknesses that are haunting them. Explaining the character’s thoughts as they slip farther away from who they are. A fight to keep their honor while faced with addiction, keeping a relationship with family, friends and keeping the loyalty they owe others. The character is shaped by the obstacles that are overcome, your honor and certainty of who you are changed by this. The character Elijah changes drastically through the book, in the first pages Elijah just a boy on his first hunting trip with his close companion Xavier …show more content…

Each character handles the events differently based on their values, in order to keep their honor and certainty. At a constant fight with their mind close to insanity and not to slip farther away from who they are. The struggles they are faced with putting them in a need to escape, Elijah is shown morphine as an escape from what his mind is being consumed by. The morphine puts them in a state away from reality a chance for them to escape. Giving Elijah the feeling he desires, to fly. “ I wish I could fly like that,” (pg. 27) Elijah views flying as something to be admired whereas Xavier has a different opinion on flying, “ Me, I'm happy to stay on the ground on my belly in the dirt,”. Both characters show and different idea on what their interests lie. The river is used later in the book to show the relationship they have, Elijah choosing the path of morphine, as he does the path of the canoe, “We’ve got to go with the current.” (pg. 50) Xavier given no choice but to watch as he slips into the temptation.This being why the obstacles of war affect …show more content…

Elijah states the strength of the friendship between him and Xavier, “We are great hunters and best friends, yes?” (Pg. 2) but the strength from the beginning won't last to the end. The path Elijah takes sends him spiraling away from his humanity, cracking under the pressures of the war. His humanity takes a negative turn as he accepts killing to being considered okay. Xavier his fate, in fact, watch him fall to such a low state. Not agreeing with the way Elijah deals with the act of war and refuses to take part. Xavier clings to the Elijah he used to know, putting his life before his own , “ .. I bury my head in my arms and try to cover Elijah with the rest of my body.” Xavier is making the effort to hang on to the honor his friend once had discussed to what his friend has become. Although Elijah wrapped in insanity, sees no harm done. “I slit the throats of the three of them so quickly that I surprised even myself!” (pg 212) his certainty of who he is shattered but the lust to kill. The friendship they once knew being so strong is ended, “ are we, not best friends, Xavier?” Elijah's asks Xavier “ are we not best friends and great hunters?” (pg 339), this being the final turning point of the friendship as one survives the battle of keeping their honor and certainty and the other losing his final

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