
Essay about How Does Fate Play a Part in Romeo and Juliet?

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How Does Fate Play A Part In ‘Romeo and Juliet'? ‘Romeo and Juliet' was written during a period when Shakespeare had found the strength of his writing, it is believed that it was written around 1595 and he would have been about 26 years old when he wrote it. The play is a widely known tragedy concerning the fate of two young "star-cross'd lovers". It is one of the most famous of Shakespeare's plays and one of his earliest theatrical triumphs. In ‘Romeo and Juliet', fate plays an extremely powerful role throughout the story. Romeo and Juliet are "star-crossed lovers," as the prologue at the start of the play indicated, they had fate against them. In that time, people were very wary of what the stars said. If two people's stars were …show more content…

They both declared their grief when they learned that the other was from the opposite family, through the lines: "O dear account! My life is my foe's debt." (Act 1, Scene 5, 132), and "My only love sprung from my only hate." (Act 1, Scene 5, 152) Shakespeare shows the audience the young lovers' shattered dreams through the negative words cluster, such a foe, debt and hate. Juliet then showed her frustration with the feud, and its influence on hers and Romeo's relationship, in her soliloquy on the balcony, as she says: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet..." (Act 2, Scene 2, 41-52) This line is a good example of how Juliet is maturing, as it portrays an act of disobedience towards her parents and against her entire family in that she is contemplating the relevance of hers and others names. It is a truism, and therefore portrays her developing understanding of the world around her. This maturity is down to fate as it is vital that she matures, so that she can lie to her father about marrying Paris later in the play, and have the self-confidence to take it upon herself to prevent the marriage. Besides the fact that the couple would have never been able to live a peaceful life even if they had carried out the Friars plan successfully, none of the tragedies throughout the play would have occurred had they not met in the first

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