
How Does Harrison Bergeron Change

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In the short story harrison bergeron every one is set in a Stalinist utopia everyone is rendered equal through the process of handicapping the people’s intelligence and physical attributes. The characters changed a lot between the short story and the movie even the main character and the changes affected and expanded upon the theme a lot in quite a few different ways Road map sentence: the characters in harrison bergeron changed a lot between the two mediums to expand upon the idea of individuality.

The character harrison bergeron changed a lot from the story to the movie. Harrison Bergeron was extremely strong and handsome in the book which was something that his movie character did not have. The main reason for this was to make the …show more content…

The Ballerina was replaced with Jeannie because Harrison needed someone that was intelligent and could be used throughout the movie. The Ballerina was essentially a tool used to express the beauty of individuality, but that wouldn't work for a movie so they added Jeannie which would work as a motivator for Harrison and as a actual character which would also give Harrison someone he could trust and someone he could talk to in order to expand upon the plot and show what the people ruling are willing to do just to ensure the equality harrison needed someone to relate to. jeannie was a character that was as smart as harrison and quickly became his love interest this was used as a plot device and as motivation to rebel against the government. The main reason he actually did anything to defy the government was because of jeannie egging him on and getting lobotomized. This really was the only reason he did something as drastic as what he did but of course her character was essentially a plot device to encourage the idea of individuality and to provide motivation for harrison in order to actually rebel but he only really wanted to due to her lobotomized which showed how drastic the actions the government would

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