
How Does Holden Mature

Decent Essays

Catcher in The Rye
In the book, The Catcher in The Rye by J.D Salinger, Holden Caulfield sees childhood and adulthood as polar opposites. Throughout the entire book he struggles with deciding if he wants to let himself transform from a child to an adult. Holden is a young adult with a child’s mentality, that is trying to make his outlook on life more mature without having the responsibilities of maturity. In the scene of the prostitute, Holden wants to prove to himself that he is maturing. When the prostitute arrives, Holden regrets ever having the women sent up. When the prostitute asks Holden how old he is he replies “Me? I’m twenty two” to which the prostitute replies “Like fun you are”. Holden sees innocence in the prostitute because instead of saying hell or crap, she said “Like fun you are.” When Holden sees her twinge of innocence he decides he can’t have any sexual relations with her. This is one of the scenes of the book where Holden’s innocence is exposed. When he is trying to do things adults normally would do, his innocence always changes his mind. Every time Caulfield is faced with a situation that requires maturity, he flees.
Holden Caulfield wants to preserve his and all the young people’s innocence by sheltering them from the cruel perils of the adult world of responsibility.
Holden doesn’t …show more content…

Holden realizes that the luxury of having no responsibility isn’t real. Holden’s sanctuary of comfort is like the “Fuck You” on the school wall. “That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "Fuck you" right under your nose.” Holden compares this to his childhood. When the adulthood starts to creep in, that’s the “Fuck You” on the school wall to Holden’s

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