
How Does Holden Predict What Will Happen With The Crooks

Decent Essays

SSR Project A Catcher in the Rye “THe more expensive a school is, the more crooks it has- I’m not kidding…”(4) Holden is explaining how his Camel coat and fur lined gloves were stolen right out of his room. He is mad because it is winter time, and while it's supposed to be a good neighborhood, it is ‘full of crooks’. Will Holden get his coat back? Does he find who does it? I predict something will happen with the ‘crooks’. “He’s dead now. He got leukemia and dies when we were up in MAine, July 18, 1946.”(38) Holden was writing a composition for Stradlater when he thinks of his little brother. Allie -Holden’s brother- is two years younger than Holden and passed away from cancer. The tone of the story changes when Allie is brought into Holden’s thoughts. Holden misses him dearly. This is foreshadowing that we will hear more about Holden’s little brother and their time together. “I have a grandmother that's quite …show more content…

He essentially purchased a prostitute. When she arrives he is nervous and says he just had an operation so they should just talk. The prostitute is baffled and seems irritated. The internal conflict here is Holden one, being a virgin and nervous, and two, not wanting to disrespect her as a woman. The syntax here shows that Holden really is trying to be polite, and that he is just a nervous teenageer. “I felt like jumping out the window.” (104) Holden has just been attacked by the man whom he met in the elevator. THe man says that Holden owns him for the girl that he bought for the night he already paid $5 and sent her on her way. The author uses characterisation to show depressed undertones, and an overall sense of sadness and bitterness within Holden himself. The external conflict is between Holden and the man in the elevator. The internal conflict is with Holden's desire to no longer live. “Old Luce knew who every flint and lesbian in the United States was.”

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