
How Does Jefferson Use Allusions In The Declaration Of Independence

Decent Essays

In Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence he uses parallelism, allusion, and anaphora to tell Great Britain that they need to stay out of the U.S. The Declaration of Independence was made after the American revolution was won by the United States during the age of reason where they believe more in the church, this is shown in the Declaration of Independence with references to the bible. The event that made Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence was when we went to war with Great Britain to gain independence from their tyranny. Thomas Jefferson he uses allusion in order to persuade the audience of his points to why we need to break away with Great Britain. For example, Thomas Jefferson claims ¨to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them¨. This is an example of a biblical allusion which refers to the bible to help create the allusion in the example above. In addition, ¨they are endowed by their creator.¨. This is another biblical allusion that is in the Declaration of independence this is because during the Age of Reason they believed more in the church. …show more content…

For example, Thomas Jefferson uses repetition repeatedly such as ¨that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed¨. He uses this 25 more times in the Declaration of Independence to address the issues we have against Great Britain and it was effective on telling Great Britain you need to stay out of the United States of

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