
How Does Overfishing Affect Coral Reefs

Decent Essays

Human Impact Assessment

“The world's finest wilderness lies beneath the waves” (Wyland). Bright, vibrant colors overlapping each other in an overall peaceful looking fight to the death for the dim rays of sunshine flowing through the shallow waves above. These places all thrive from the saying “help others to help yourself” because everyone works together to keep the coral reefs running. The fish eat the bacteria off the coral that could kill off all the coral if it builds up enough. This mutualistic relationship in the coral reefs have been going on for centuries, but what happens if one very important factor leaves the relationship: Total Collapse.
Overfishing is a constant problem that we are facing on almost every coast around the globe. …show more content…

One of these close to going missing areas in the marine habitats are the coral reefs that maintain a mutualistic relationship with the fish that are currently being over hunted and taken away from these coral reefs which leads to a huge unbalancement in the relationship causing the coral reefs to start to die out. Of those over hunted fish in coral reefs, at least 70% feed off of the bacteria that builds up on the coral, and eventually that bacteria suffocates the coral by spreading and covering the surface. Now, with the bacteria spreading way too much and without the fish to control the bacteria, hundreds of coral reefs are dying off each year. This all just keeps going around and affecting …show more content…

The Magnuson Act was put on to help reduce overfishing by scientifically monitoring the fishermen's count of fish brought in each day and enforcing the act under 10 strict national standards of sustainability. In 2011, we had decreased this problem by 28% and counting. The average costs for this project so far come to be around $560,000. “Healthy coral reefs have rough surfaces and complex structures that dissipate much of the force of incoming waves; this buffers shorelines from currents, waves, and storms, helping to prevent loss of life, property damage, and erosion. Up to 90 percent of the energy from wind-generated waves is absorbed by reefs, based on the physical and ecological characteristics of the reef and the abundance of the adjacent seagrass and mangrove ecosystems. In fact, coastlines protected by reefs are more stable, in terms of erosion, than those without. Reefs are also a source of sand in natural beach replenishment.” This quote come from the NOAA informational piece on the positive effects of coral reefs. It also proves a few great points on the great things coral reefs do for the human population and without these reefs more powerful waves will start to appear along with more powerful storms. These reefs help decrease losses of life in

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