
How Does Political Socialization Affect My Interest In Politics?

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I have not had much interest in politics until recently. Before last year, I did not care for anything related to politics; I thought that it was all boring and had little to no affect on me on a personal level. I am more interested in politics nowadays. I know better now that it does affect me and I should care about it. I had learned about the concepts of political socialization, party identification, political tolerance, political trust, political efficacy in government class and how they affect my political beliefs. My personal political belief has been shaped into what it is today and is still being shaped because of those six concepts. Political socialization is the ongoing process in which we develop our political attitudes (Magleby …show more content…

My level of political trust is low; I do not trust the government very much. I can trust them to do the right thing some of the time, not all or most of the time. Many Americans do not have much trust in the government and about 2% think that the government can be trusted to do what is right almost always. Like many others, I think that “quite a few of the people running the government are crooked” and have not very much confidence in any politician running or holding an office (“Trust in Government”). Trust in government has decreased over time because of the disasters and tragedies (9/11, Hurricane Katrina, etc.) that happened over the years; one reason for my low level of trust is the institutionalized racism evident in the system. People of color, especially black and Hispanic people, are portrayed as something not human and demonized for their mistakes while white people, especially the men, are given excuses for every crime they commit and portrayed to be innocent, an angel. The current situation with police brutality against black people is a glaring example of racism in governmental institutions. Police officers can shoot and kill an unarmed man and get off scotch-free with a possible slap on the wrist; a black man can barely walk in public without being accused of a crime or getting shot. There are some good officers, but with this corrupt system, the good ones are either fired or get bullied into …show more content…

Most of the people in America identify themselves as moderate or they do not know if they are conservative or liberal (Magleby 103). I would rank myself as a liberal on the seven-point-identification scale because from what I know of conservatives, their beliefs clash with mine. According to the political surveys that we took in government class, I am a strong liberal. I have always been against conservative views for as long as I can remember; my family, especially my very conservative cousin that mentioned earlier, did not like that I did not conform to certain roles and scolded me for it, thus, resulting in my resentment of conservatives and conservative views. As I grew older, I noticed that I had unconsciously leaned more towards conservative views as a child because I wanted to fit in and not be the outlier in my family; now though, I can clearly see the faulty logic that my family holds and that it is alright for me to have my own

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