
How Does Violence Influence American Literature

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Violence Influences American Literature
Violence is something that takes place in almost every book. Also there are different types of violences. Most people think of violence as a person physically hurting another person, but what most do not know is it also can mean something is wrong internally or has a wound from doing some kind of ordinary action. The suspense in books can come, additionally, from a scene of violence. Without the action of violence in books, readers would not have that many golden or silver authors, because most people like the uprise in the books; and violence takes a huge role in the rising action portion. “Violence is one of the most personal and even intimate acts between human beings, but it can also be cultural …show more content…

In How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Sethe, an escaped slave, decides to flee to Ohio, but her kids were born into slavery. She decides to kill her kids to save them from slavery. “So Sethe decides to save her children from slavery by killing them, succeeding with only one of them” (Foster 94). Violence occurred as Sethe killed her kids but although she was doing them a favor by killing them, she is still committing a physical violence crime. This type of violence can go two ways, it is killing to save her children from suffering and also killing in generally and not having your kids anymore. She knew how it was to be a slave, she was a slave once and she knew every situation that goes wrong, like starving, whippings, hard work, rough sleeping, and early awakenings. So typically when you are a child and you are going through your growing stages, you eat a lot, you need sleep, and need a comfortable sleeping area. “I have said a Master Thomas was a mean man. He was so. Not to give a slave enough to eat, is regarded as the most aggravated development of meanness even among slaveholders” (Douglass 54). The symptoms of starvation are considered an act of violence, according to Thomas Foster. “...the usual range of behavior... starvations, you name it” (Foster 96,97). Your body is going to struggle physically to …show more content…

“... Master Andrew… took my little brother by the throat, threw him on the ground, and with the heel of his boot stamped upon his head till the blood gushed from his nose and ears…” ( Douglass 50). This would be an example of a horrendous, physical style of violence. Although, Douglass’ little brother was hurting physically he was also hurting in his heart too. You can not just get whopped everyday and your heart not hurt. Most slaves were dreadful feeling and you can only take so much in and once you have had enough you are going to have a mental break down. While Douglass was upset with the beating his brother had gotten, he was also exceedingly upset with the slaveholders moving his grandmother to woods and leaving her to die alone. “...they took her to the woods, built her a little hut, put up a little mud-chimney, and then made her welcome to the privilege of supporting herself there in a perfect loneliness; thus virtually turning her out to die!” (Douglass 51). As his grandmother was out to die in complete loneliness, he was struggling with the thought process of the whole situation. Douglass was hurting on the inside from the violence committed from the slaveholders. Violence can also separate two ways in this condition as well. The slaveholders are creating violence by leaving Douglass’

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