
How Is Harrison Bergeron A Threat To Society

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The end of "Harrison Bergeron," when Harrison shouts on TV that "I am the Emperor! Everybody must do what I say at once!" he shows that he is a danger to American society in the year 2081. While we look at him as the story's hero because he's challenging a social order we may find offensive, it's important to recognize him as a threat.

In "Harrison Bergeron," Harrison is taken away from his family because of his extraordinary abilities. The government places him in elaborate handicaps to ensure that he was "equal every which way" to everyone else. At the end of the story, when he rips off his handicaps "like wet tissue paper," he challenges the laws of the land created and supported by the American people and the "211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution." This makes him a danger to his society. …show more content…

For example, in the 1960s, the FBI tracked Martin Luther King, Jr. because they saw him as a threat to society. If we treat the New Testament as literature, the execution of Jesus occurs precisely because he challenges the social

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