
How Is Holden Caulfield A Psychopath

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The Words of A Psychosis Imagine a book whose words inspired others to kill. Now imagine this same book not only being provided to students, but is even taught to them in school. In 1980, the famous singer John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman. When Police arrived, they saw Mark reading J. D. Salinger’s classic book, The Catcher In The Rye. Mark’s reasoning for killing Lennon, was due to him being a phony. Holden, the main character, also called many people phonies in his book. Is Salinger’s story trying to send a negative message to society? There are many examples that show his story is trying to set that tone . One example for instance, is that Holden shows many signs of being a psychopath. This could have encouraged Mark …show more content…

Although Holden does not display the violent actions we are use to seeing of a psychopath, he still shares most of the passive traits of a psychopath. Tracey describes a psychopath as showing “Passive symptoms including depression, promiscuous sexual behaviors, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow emotions, lying pathology, etc.” (Tracey). In the book, Holden shows many of these symptoms and one of them in particular. That one would have to be depression. Holden can’t get over the loss of his brother’s death, Allie, and even blames himself partially for his death. Holen in the book says “Anyway, that’s what I wrote about Stradlater’s composition about. Old Allie's baseball mitt.”(Salinger 39). These two quotes both explain how Holden feels on the inside and the outside. Holden’s depression about his brother’s death, affects his personal life.This matters because it explains why Holden always acts so negative in the book. These feelings are more remorse than the “normal” person. The book also goes heavily detail in these emotions, which could persuade the reader to feel these same emotions about others. Holden gets so wrapped up in all of his emotions, that he begins to critique others around him, even the people who are trying to help

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