
How Is Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence

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Holden Caulfield, the main protagonist of the book is a young, emotional, and a damaged person. He faces difficulty with the death of his brother, his family being disappointed about his work in school, and not only his innocence, but the innocence of his sister, Pheobe. Holden doesn’t like to acknowledge, but we know many people in his life care about his well being and his success and happiness. The issue Holden is dealing with is prevalent throughout the entire book leading up until the end, and that is his innocence. He can’t accept growing up and is scared of reality. This is crucial for the book, not just to captivate the reader with relatable narration and emotions, but for the forward movement of the story and plot. Something that …show more content…

Throughout the entire book, he is seen idealizing his brother Allie, and his sister Pheobe. He holds himself back from greatness and just gives the self-deprecating thoughts. He never once thinks he is smart. We often see him slightly berating himself as to think he can’t become something great. We the readers know that he is a smart, strong, and to some extent brave character, but he can never get over the fact his brother and sister are “better” than him. I feel sorry for Holden for not knowing how to cope with certain emotions, just like how he can’t control himself when Stradlater was talking about how dumb it was Holden has written the paper over a baseball glove, not knowing that was the glove that was owned and signed by Holden's dead brother …show more content…

Just like a drug addiction you have to admit you have a problem before conquering it. Holden’s understanding of his problems, and voicing it, I think is showing he has not lost, but given away. Finally giving into this impossible reality of always being a kid. When Holden was trying to save his own innocence, he felt imprisoned and miserable, but talking to the doctor and finally letting it go is one step towards giving up and another towards being a happier

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