
How Is Holden Caulfield Mentally Unstable

Decent Essays

In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is introduced as an extremely perplexed boy. The relationship that he holds with his parents is unstable. At many points in the novel, Holden refers the fact that he has a rocky relationship with his parents. He has been kicked out of many private schools he has attended. In the novel, he attends and lives at a school named Pencey. Holden is kicked out for having failed in some of his classes. His instability begins at this point when the reader learns that he doesn’t want to return home to his parents because he knows the fury that will rage from his parents. He has lived a misguided life by attending private schools. Instead of having parents, he has had professors guide him. Holden’s strange personality helps prove the authors assertion that he is mentally instable. Holden’s narration is very scattered. He sometimes interrupts his own conversations by going off on tangent subjects. …show more content…

Holden often hops between topics during his stories. He can’t seem to focus on one topic. Although his mind is unhealthy, he still does things that a healthy brained teenager would do. He swears often, drinks alcohol, and smokes cigarettes. The “madness” of Holden is significant to the plot of the novel. Holden’s madness sets a loose tone for the piece. It is very informal because he is telling the story to someone and not writing it. One example of his madness occurs when he orders a prostitute. Holden wanted to have intercourse with the lady but instead carried out a conversation. Holden’s description of the situation is very interesting because he regrets not having sex with her, yet is proud to have been moral and not pay for

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