
How Kanban System Works Would Work Well For Furnware? Essay

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Q1) Explain what is Kanban System? How Kanban system works would work well for furnware ?
Ans) Kanban is way for teams and organizations to visualize their work, identify and eliminate bottlenecks and achieve the improvements in their opertations in terms of throughput and quality. Kanban is a method to progress from your existing system and plan more efficiently. Almost any kind of business can be benfitted from Kanban for ex. software development, IT/ Ops, Staffing, Recruitment, Marketing and Sales, Procurement etc. Kanban offers to bring about significant benefits such as reduced lead time, increased throughput and much higher quality of products or services delivered!
Kanban is a concept related to lean and just-in-time (JIT) production, where it is used as a scheduling system that tells you what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce.
Between the 1940s and 50s, Taiichi Ohno of Toyota applied the Kanban logic in their Toyota Production System (TPS) to support non-centralized “pull” production control. In the post-depression era of 1970s, Kanban was popularized in the manufacturing industry as a tool for Lean Manufacturing. Of late, many thought-leaders in various industries have found its applicability beyond the manufacturing industry as well.
In simplified terms, Kanban is a visual system for managing work moving through a process – the “value stream”. It is a system for visualizing work, reducing waste by limiting work in-progress, and maximizing

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