
How Successful Was The New Deal Dbq

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In the year of 1929 the stock market crashed and hurt many of the people in America as it continued through the rest of the 1930s and into the early 1940s. This left America in a whirlpool of poverty and despair. When the stock market crashed it led to The Great Depression. It led to being where one out of every four workers became unemployed no matter if they were skilled or not. People became homeless and were struggling to survive. They had to make new homes out of cardboard or whatever they could find, these were called “hoovervilles.” Most people didn’t have enough money to buy food to feed themselves or even their families. President Herbert Hoover did not seem to be going out of his way to help the country in any way. He was against most forms of government relief and he believed that the depression would come to an end on its own. Americans were very tired and frustrated with Hoover’s ways and so they elected a new president. They elected Franklin D. Roosevelt who …show more content…

This helped people survive the difficulties and tragedies that were happening before them and it made life a little bit easier than it already was. Before the New Deal people who didn’t have a job couldn’t make money, which then meant that they wouldn’t be able to provide food and other resources for their families. Now that people are being provided with jobs they are able to make money and were now able to provide and were able to begin reconstructing their lives. The more people who have jobs, the more people survive and the more our society grows in the right direction(Source G). This connects to the claim because without The New Deal then the unemployed wouldn’t have jobs. If The New Deal wasn’t created, then there would so many people on the streets dying of no food, no shelter, and other reasons. If this happened then our society would only decrease and it would soon enough hit rock

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