
How This Course Has Affected My Development As A Students

Satisfactory Essays

This course has affected my development as a student in many ways. It has taught me the importance of being stress free. I have learned that using the time and stress management tools and strategies has helped me get closer to my goals. Achieving my goals depends mainly on me and being less stressful. Time and stress management go hand to hand and one doesn’t work without the other. I learned to become better at time management. This has allowed me to get more important task done and put off the not so important ones. This course has prepared me very well for my academic success. It has taught me about my learning styles and what works best for me. Although I’m a visual/ auditory learner, I sometimes find myself wanting to take things hands on. These are some of the things that has affected me in my development as a student. …show more content…

Setting goals has allowed has helped me to become a more successful and creative person. I’ve noticed when working on my assignments, I perform better and my grades have improved. Now that I am closer to my goals I am much happier and less stressed. Another thing I learned about goals are that they must be my own in order for them to work for me. Owning my own healthcare agency one day is one of my most important goal. Networking allowed me to get an idea of places I would like to work upon graduation. Some of the nursing homes in the area where I live would be a great place to start because it would give me a sense of direction. Visiting these places will be a critical part of my success. Preparing myself by setting goals and networking have made me a stronger candidate to enter the business

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