
How To Prevent Hurricane Katrina

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On August 29, 2005 hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the United and for two days it brought havoc to the American people until the storm was downgraded to a tropical depression as it reached Tennessee. However, surviving the hurricane’s intense rain and wind would not be the hardest struggle they were forced to endure. Their survival would be tested longer than the hurricane’s wrath for the survivors’ will be faced with limited amounts of water and food and help will not arrive for days to come. Because of this lack of control in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina the public were left in anarchic as they waited for help that came too late. Unfortunately, as time went on, people began to turn on each other for the limited resources left. …show more content…

However, the breaking down of the levees was the beginning of the communication problem because the city’s residents and the National Guard were unaware they were down until it was too late. With the flood soon engulfing the city of New Orleans it’s vital resources fell in a time of need as communications, transportation, supplies and manpower were rapidly besieged by the unforgiving waters (Walters and Kettl 2005). This lack of communication resulted in the emergency response team’s desperate attempt to save each other before they could even help the …show more content…

However, the honor and integrity of an individual’s ethical code, Shafriz and Russel (2013) argue that it is often hard to overcome since we are overshadowed by our own interest such as our families’ wellbeing during this crisis. This lack of cooperation by the city’s own police force showed that New Orleans was unprepared and their plan B seemed to be every man for themselves and to retreat. Since this storm was not taken as seriously as it should have the public is somewhat to blame as well because of their apparent unwillingness to get their loved ones out of harm’s way days before the storm arrive (Birkland and Waterman 2008). This unwillingness shows how stubborn people can be even when faced in life or death situations. As for governmental cooperation the armed forces were willing and ready to help out unfortunately they could not get authorization from the Pentagon (Roberts 2006). This unwillingness to let the armed forces help the citizens they are trying to protect shows a big lack of cooperation from the government because as they were waiting for a decision lives were

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