
'How To Read Literature Like A Professor' By Thomas C. Foster

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In “How to Read Literature Like a Professor” by Thomas C. Foster there are three new concepts I took and analyzed at a deeper level when reading “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Foster tells us that in stories drownings or deaths that take place in water is serving a purpose whether it is to help the theme development, failure, guilt, or plot complication. In Crime and Punishment after Raskolnikov has committed the murder of his land lady. He begins to have suicidal thoughts of jumping off the bridge into the river. However, this idea does die quickly when a women standing right next to him decides to jump off the bridge. As he sees what has taken place he quickly snaps out of his guilt driven thoughts and the matter never comes up again. The water represents baptism. If ,Rasolnikov would've thrown himself into the river it would symbolize as a baptism to cleanse all his …show more content…

Foster explains to us that sometimes in stories there are also Christ figures. Foster says “The parallel deepens our sense of the characters sacrifice”. In the story I definitely see Sonia as the Christ figure. Although Sonia is a prostitute she still remains very religious. I would consider her “wounds” her prostitution. She is prostitute only so that she can fend for her family financially, so in this way I find her very self sacrificing. Also, when Sonia's mother dies she takes it upon herself to take of her siblings. This also makes her good with kids. Her closest confrontation with the devil is probably Raskolnikov when he confesses to her about his crimes and even then she is forgiving. Before Raskolnikov goes to the police station to turn himself in Sonia gives him a cross. This cross represents redemption. Giving him her cross shows that she is giving something of herself to bring back his humanity and in a sense renew him. Sonia is offering redemption, hope, or miracle to his situation. She is offering him

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