
How To Reduce Student Loan Debt

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When it comes to figuring out your career path my only advice for young millennials is to do your research. At 18 years old, we were told to go to college and pick a major that will eventually lead to a nice paying job. Then work that job until your 65 years old and retire. The current high school education model didn't properly explain to us the opportunity cost of pursuing a specific career path. Let alone how interest and student loans worked. Not every successful career path requires a traditional 4-year degree but why is taking on student loans to fund your education the norm? There are tons of high paying jobs that only require a certification, 2-year degree or trade school degree. 30 High Paying Trade School Degrees

These career paths are more affordable and greatly reduces the burden of student loan debt. Trade schools focus specifically on the skills needed for your chosen profession so the length is minimized to 2 years or even shorter. This saves you money and time. When college students are graduating with $40k - $100k plus worth of student loan debt and are working the same jobs that someone with a trade school degree is who’s …show more content…

I think some students are going to college just to go to college or because their parents told them too. Then they end up in a major that don't make them money and they can't drop out because their parents will look at them funny. Lol yes, that’s a famous Kanye line from “All Falls Down”. But seriously, my advice is for the youth to research whatever career field they want to enter and look at the 5 to 10-year projections. Research the work life balance, starting salary and potential for growth. Especially for your career path in your city. Look at which companies are hiring for people with your degree/skill set. Research!! Research!!

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