
How We Connect Makes All The Difference Summary

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What Is a Healthy “Self”? Adolescents who are able to learn and develop, and then determine who they are for themselves often reflect a healthier sense of self. Children who strive to be who their parents or others who influence them want them to be, often become detached from their internal sense of self and do not properly develop. Dr. Levin discusses many disruptors of self-development in children from affluent homes such as constant pressures to adopt a social facile, high levels of competitiveness, performance-oriented praise, and an “unblemished” reputation. At the same time, affluent parents tend to over-parent, shielding children from every bad thing that can come their way which affects their sense of self and how to cope with …show more content…

There are many different parenting styles that help children develop healthy lifestyles. Dr. Levine focuses this chapter on the authoritarian, permissive and authoritative parents. The authoritarian parent, or the “do as your told” parent as stated in the book, focuses on strict rules for their children. These parents carry a strong “because I said so” ideology and end up hurting their kids more than they help. These kids end up with low self-esteem and high rates of depression. The permissive parent, or the “do your own thing” parent, focus more on a friendship with their child other than a respectful parent-child relationship. These parents have trouble disciplining their child and don’t teach their children correct skills to take responsibility for their actions. The last parenting style, the authoritative parent, are accepting of their child, but also have clear rules and expectations. These parents have appropriate discipline while also focusing on how to better their child. The children of these types of parents have better grades, better social skills and are all around happier. In this chapter, Dr. Levine also focuses on correct ways to be accepting and invested in your child and how important it is to praise effort instead of

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