
How and Why Did Federation Occur in Australia?

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Federation for Australia was when six independant Brisitsh colonies were no longer divided. It was the year “1901” when Federation happened for Australia. Federation took place because of the need to be more organised, to improve the defence of Australia, better transportation, stronger communication, to unify the economy and to strengthen the pride of being Australian. The idea of six colonies uniting as one had an apeal to people which lead to motivating the spirit of Australia and being as one. However, it was a long process to Federation, requiring referendums and the Queen's approval.

Each and every colony would have had a different system whether it was their laws, taxes, railway systems, tariffs and transport, this was a problem. …show more content…

It was a long road until the constitution was made in 1900. This involved delegates having to travel to London in order to to receive a referendum from the British Parliament. On the 1st of January was the official date when the existence of the Commonwealth of Australia occurred when the six colonies no longer were independent but states and united as one country.

As of today the 1st of January still reminds us of the importance of Australia. Who knows what could have Australia been like if Sir Henry Parkes didn’t make a commitment in order to improve Australia. All of this changed after Federation happened, Australia now has a better and united economy, wonderful lifted Australian Spirit, stronger defence force and the Pride of our Australians

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