
How to Keep Employees in Buckingham and Coffman’s First Break All the Rules

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First Break All the Rules
What does it take to keep talented employees in your company? This valid question is not one that begs a fast, ready, and consistent answer. As a supervisor myself, it is one I have pondered often as I strive to keep and develop the best staff. Effective leadership involves not only the active and reflective supervision of your staff, but also modeling, openness, and a genuine appreciation for the work that your employees put in and the potential they have to grow within and contribute to the organization as a whole.
Buckingham and Coffman’s First Break All the Rules (1999) chronicles the research conducted by the Gallop Company to determine what the best managers do and how this impacts employee retention. The …show more content…

Buckingham and Coffman (1999) suggest that good leadership comes from people who look at employees as individuals, rather than a position. Exceptional managers do not observe and critique surface level behaviors and performance. Instead, they look at inner qualities to what uniquely motivates each individual and what their innate strengths are. As a supervisor, I find this to be of the essence. Often times, employees work unhappily in positions for less than desirable pay and little to no recognition. It is, in my opinion, important to acknowledge that you value each employee as a person and you notice the work they do; they are not a disposable and replaceable position that you can fit anyone in to.
A good supervisor seeks out the strengths in their employees and looks to manage weaknesses by identifying if they are in part of lack of training or poor interrelational communication between the manager and employee. Good supervisors seek out their employees’ success by focusing their attention on tasks they will exceed in and not basing their evaluation on tasks in which they struggle with weakness (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999). This notion presents an innovative idea in the way managers approach the work of their employees. It seems to be an effective way of evaluating an employee’s work based on a multitude of factors that can be contributing to it. It removes the blame from solely the employee which offers the opportunity to both the manager

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