
Hp's Knowledge Management System

Better Essays

“Knowledge Management For Today’s Competitive World” (“HP’s Knowledge Management System”) Assessment 2

“Knowledge Management For Today’s Competitive World” (“HP’s Knowledge Management System”) Assessment 2

* BY
: Milani Eppler


* Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .2

HP’s Products and Services …… ..………………………………………………………….……………..2

HP 90’s Working Environment and Knowledge Flow……………………………………….2– 3

Top Management Realization ………………………………………………………….……….…3 -4 -5

HP mid-90’s Knowledge Management …show more content…

This is an advantage, for business units.The regional offices can solve their own problem without going through layers of bureaucracy. The corporations decentralize culture has proven to be a huge success. HP strategy was pre-occupied in process and innovation. There was one thing though that the executives failed to acknowledge. They have failed to examine the over all organization knowledge health. IV. Top Management Realization
HP executive came to the realization that the autonomy and the decentralization structure had begun to affect the organizational knowledge flow, because business units such as the “corporate education unit” as stated in the article, (If only HP Knew what HP knows”) were complaining “they do not know anything and engineers are reluctant to solve the same problem twice”. This was therefore creating a problem, because it’s hard for them to do their job effectively without enough knowledge and information in subject matters.( V. HP mid-1995 Knowledge Management Initiatives
In the mid-1990’s, owing to the already widely used internet and the shiftsin business environments, reuse of knowledge has become one of companiescompetitive advantage, because having learned from the past, they are minimizing the chance of committing the same mistakes twice or learned what could have done to maximize benefits. Knowledge management has become an important function for success. As a result KM has

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